4 simple ways to build your network

If you’re feeling like you’ve exhausted your current network and you’re wanting to find new places to meet more people here are four simple ways to build your network!

join a coworking space

Clearly we are fans of coworking. Not only does a coworking space give you a spot to dive into your work, be more productive, and get out of the house, but it also provides you with ample opportunity to meet more people! Once you join a coworking space and begin to settle in, you’ll start to meet other members of the space and will be able to chat with each other about your businesses. The Collective Co. is meant to foster collaboration, so it’s an easy way to meet other like-minded women. And with built in events we're all about finding fun and non-icky ways to network and get to know one another.

interact in online groups

Although having an excuse to wear cute clothes and leave the house is nice, there are some days where staying at home and lounging in yoga pants are just as nice. That’s where online groups come in!

Facebook and LinkedIn both have thousands upon thousands of groups for you to start joining and interacting in. All you have to do is research certain keywords or terms that would relate to you or your business — South Shore, Boston, female entrepreneur, mom, etc. — and request to join them. Once you’re a member, you can introduce yourself and start interacting in the group by leaving relevant comments on other members’ posts to build familiarity and provide value.

The possibilities are endless with the Internet, so you’re bound to find groups and communities that you really enjoy.

leverage social media

You have access to millions of people because of social media! Leverage whichever platforms you use— Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Clubhouse, LinkedIn, TikTok, etc. — to build relationships. In addition to joining groups as mentioned above, you can network with others by simply leaving genuine comments on their posts and sending them authentic messages. The more you do this, the more they’ll start to know who you are and remember you, which is the ultimate goal.

become a member of business organizations

If you’d like to attend networking events more regularly, business organizations are the way to go, as they typically hold monthly events, at minimum. Your local chamber of commerce or BNI chapter are two places to start, but there are a multitude of options out there for you. The more networking events you attend, the more people will know who you are!

If you’re just starting out with building your network, start small and focus on 1-2 outlets at first. Once you start to feel more comfortable with networking, and your schedule allows for the time, look into other networking methods for maximum impact!


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