Download: Inspiring Clear Content Worksheet

Your time is valuable and we understand that it takes time to create long-form content and we want to avoid creating content that doesn’t convert. So, let’s dive into why it is important to be extremely clear when creating content and how you can easily outline your intent at the start in order to get lasting results.

Clear Goals

It all starts with a clear goal. What goal is your content supporting? What launches, pushes, brand objectives or business goals does this piece of content (this post) support? Take a look back at your content calendar and make sure that this post aligns. You want to create content with purpose that allows you to work towards those big-picture goals.

what value are you adding

Now that you understand the goal of your post, what value is your post adding to your audience? What will they get from taking the time to read and engage with this piece of content? When you are sharing about this content, you want to let your audience know exactly what they’re getting from it!

inspired action

Finally, after your audience has consumed your content, what action do you want them to take next? What do you want your audience to do in order to get achieve your initial goal with your post? Remember those CTA’s? Be sure to download your call-to-action worksheet here!

Utilize this worksheet to help you outline and inspire content that will drive results and refer back to it when sharing about your post on social media.


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