working towards a money growth mindset

We recently heard life and business coach Kimberly Lucht speaking about money as having a cycle. She said “If one part of that cycle is blocked, like when you try not to spend money at all or don’t ask for what you’re worth, the whole cycle gets thrown off and creates a clogged financial situation that feels strained and uncertain. Maybe you’re good at spending money, but if you feel guilty about it, it blocks the flow just as much. Spending and investing in your money should feel good.”

It got us thinking about how important our money mindset truly is. How you feel about money can ultimately affect your decisions around money. Kimberly highlighted three simple questions to ask yourself when spending:

  1. Are the financial decisions I’m making right now leading towards the most fulfilled version of myself?

  2. Are they helping me reach my biggest goals and dreams?

  3. Are they amplifying my impact in the world along with my quality of life?

Focusing on what you can invest in to help you grow and develop financially, emotionally, or physically can help to make smart financial decisions that will ultimately lead to positive growth in your life. Maybe it’s by investing in the online therapy you’ve been thinking of, your own business coach, or a personal trainer that you’ve been dying to work with. 

If at least a portion of your disposable income goes towards those types of expenses, then you’re bound to have a more fulfilling life and you’re bound to feel good about what you are investing in.


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